Have you recently purchased the best air purifier on the market, only to discover that you do not know where to place it? Don’t worry—I’ve been in your shoes before. I carefully thought about the size of my home, the filter type, and other factors before buying an air purifier. But I still forgot to consider the ideal location to position it.
The best place to put an air purifier is in any room where you spend most of your time. Choose a specific spot where the air can circulate to all areas of the room to remove air pollution.
It is also best to consider various strategic locations to place an air purifier, especially if you have an open floor plan. Follow my tips below on the best air purifier placement. I will also share the mistakes most people commit when positioning this device so that you can avoid them.
Where to Place An Air Purifier?

There are different locations within your home where you can put an air purifier. I will cover each ideal air purifier placement in detail below.
Place Air Purifier Near Pollutants
You can put an air purifier in any area of your home where the concentration of pollutants is the highest. Doing so enables the device to remove these contaminants from the air in no time.
If you are clueless about the spot with high levels of pollutants, you can hire an air quality specialist. Expect this professional to use an air quality monitor to identify contaminated places.
But you can always use your senses to determine the problem areas within your home. For instance, if you want to reduce pet odor, place the air purifier near the litter box. Did you notice any visible dirty particles? Put the air cleaner near them.
Once you determine the spot where air pollution is the highest, you can learn the ideal air purifier placement within your home.
Put It Near The Doorway and Other Areas With the Highest Airflow
The doorway and other entry points of your home are ideal locations to place air purifiers. These areas are where the air flows, which helps lift dust and most pollutants.
If you place the air purifier near these spaces, you help the device perform its task more efficiently. It can act as a security guard that stops debris and other airborne particles from entering your home. It is especially effective when you own pets that often come in and out of your house and carry germs.
Set the Air Purifier 3-5 Feet Off The Ground
If you own a small air purifier, it is best to place it on a table, desk, or raised surface. Ensure it is at least 3 to 5 feet off the ground. This position delivers better floor-to-ceiling air cleaning performance because the purifier doesn’t need to pull air flow from below.
However, if you have a large air purifier, you can keep it on the ground. This device is powerful enough to trap air pollutants low on the ground and circulate clean air at the top.
Regarding wall-mounted air purifiers, you would not have a problem finding the ideal air purifier positioning. Simply attach them high up the wall to clean air.
Keep the Room Size in Mind
Before placing an air purifier inside a room, determine its airflow capacity (how much air it can clean) first. Check if it can properly filter airborne pollutants from the entire room. For instance, you can place an air cleaner with up to 400 square feet of coverage in a room with the same or less space.
You don’t want to put a too-small purifier inside a large room or a full-sized model in a tiny space. You must also consider the ceiling height because some units might not clean moving air as effectively.
In general, manufacturers will state the recommended room size that ensures air purifiers work effectively. Avoid exceeding or falling short of this suggested working area to ensure optimal air purifier performance.
Learn about the difference between scrubbers and purifiers.
Move Air Purifier Around
Consider changing the position of the air purifier throughout the day. For instance, you can place it in the dining room in the morning while eating breakfast. Then, move it to the living room or study area during work. Finally, keep the air cleaner in your bedroom at nighttime to sanitize the air as you sleep.
When you constantly move the air purifier around, you can better target airborne pollutants inside your home. Just make sure you leave the air cleaner running for a few hours before changing its location. Note that you may have trouble transporting a full-sized model, so consider investing in a portable one.
Where NOT to Place An Air Purifier?
By now, you already know the ideal placements for an air purifier. However, you must also be aware of areas where you shouldn’t place an air cleaner. These spots can prevent the device from removing airborne irritants efficiently.
Avoid Placing Air Purifier In A Corner
You may be tempted to put an air purifier in the corner to save space. However, this area tends to have the lowest airflow. It can prevent the cleaner from sucking dirty air and releasing clean air out. It ultimately affects the performance of the device.
Always leave 2 to 4 feet of space from the wall to promote better air circulation and healthy indoor air quality.
Avoid Areas Behind or Below Furniture
Most homeowners place small air purifiers behind or below furniture, such as a table or shelf. Some people also put these air cleaners inside a closet, believing it could help remove dust and mold.
However, air cleaners need continuous airflow to work properly. Avoid putting them near furniture pieces or any obstacles that hinder ventilation. Instead, try placing the air purifier on top of a table or shelf without any visible closure.
Keep Away from Electronics
Another common mistake people make is placing the air purifier next to electronic appliances. These include a microwave, oven, refrigerator, and even television. They can cause interference due to similar wavelengths.
It is best to keep your air cleaner away from these devices. Place it 2 to 4 feet from the appliances to prevent disruption.
Do Not Place the Air Purifier Near Similar Devices
Besides an air purifier, you might have an air conditioning unit, a dehumidifier, or any device that affects how air flows. You might feel tempted to place these units in the same area to target pollutants within your home.
However, avoid keeping them together because each device affects airflow differently. The constant pulling and pushing of air can prevent the equipment from working properly.
Avoid Placing It In a Wet or Humid Area
You might think it’s wise to place an air purifier inside a bathroom or wet kitchen to remove molds. However, this is not a good idea.
Air purifiers do not work properly in any wet or humid conditions. That is because the excess moisture from the air can damage the electronic board. It can also shorten the filter life. Dehumidifiers are best for this.
So as much as possible, avoid putting an air purifier in a humid area. If you need to clean the air in such conditions, place a humidifier in the same room first. Doing so will lower the relative humidity level between 30 to 50 percent. Ensure to keep both devices separate to prevent disruptions.
Does an Air Purifier Work in a Closed Room?
Air purifiers are most effective when you place them in enclosed spaces such as bedrooms or basement rooms. They can quickly circulate and clean the air because it stays in one area instead of moving around the whole house.
You can always open the door and windows if you want fresh air. However, keep them closed when using the air purifier. Doing so prevents dust, pollen, and other outdoor pollutants from coming inside your home. It can also prolong the lifespan of your air cleaner since it doesn’t need to work harder to clean these contaminants.
Can I Put an Air Purifier Next to My Bed?

You can place an air purifier near your bed. However, ensure it is not directly next to the headboard. Having the air blowing directly in your face can disturb your sleep. You can even suffer from a headache in the morning, especially if you’re sensitive to wind.
Instead, keep the air purifier on a nightstand or table close to the bed. Position it facing the bed to sanitize the breathing zone within your room.
Most people are clueless about where to place an air purifier in their homes. However, you can put an air cleaner in any room where you spend most of your time. This could be your bedroom, living room, or study hall.
Follow my tips above for strategic spots to place your air purifier. And remember to avoid the areas that hinder the performance of the device.
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